Monday, July 2, 2007

GTD made simple

Minimalist GTD
I'm just finishing up the grading periods, meaning I have finished the trimester of teaching and am wrapping up the administration of a course. I had put put blogging on the back seat, while my job took precedent. I've also been busy finishing up 2 articles for publication --one about antecedents to psychopathology in chimpanzees. (Don't ask how I got quite so far ranging, suffice it to say I examined data from a personality study of 145 chimpanzees living in well-run zoos). The second is about a measure I've developed with colleagues, "Neurotransmitter Attributes Questionnaire (NAQ)." If anyone wants to check out this measure they can go to my lab at and find the study under current studies, the one called "emotion and personality." If you want to participate you can, its completely anonymous.

My GTD efforts have continued, and I attribute this recent productivity to my GTD lifestyle. I'm working on a blog on my "killer GTD set up" responding to a blog calling on all of us out here, to add our piece. I'm going to publish it here as soon as its finished. Meanwhile I just ran into a great blog about a minimalist approach to GTD, it's worth reading. It's a guest appearance by Leo Babauta of Zen Habits,, and a great summary of what you really need to know to get going on GTD.

If you want to know something, teach it
I find in my teacher/psychotherapist role, people are asking how I got so organized, they want some of that too, so despite my still being in an implementation phase (that might go on for years I suspect), I am now forced to pass it on. Just as well, the only way to really know something is to teach it.

Remember that, its a hard and fast rule. If you want to know an area, any area, find a way to teach it. Before you turn around you'll have mastered the basics. If you want to get organized, start teaching people how to get organized.

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