Saturday, July 14, 2007

"15 Ways to Use a Wiki:" And --How I use my own Wiki..

A great post on Web Worker Daily: ( ) by Leo Babauta, provides a detailed list of ideas for how to use a personal wiki.

"A few of the things that are emerging about web workers is that 1) we do just about everything online; 2) we want to be able to access it from any computer, anywhere; and 3) it’s hard to organize all the stuff we use and do, in our work and personal lives.

But online organization dozen’t have to be complicated. There are many tools for organizing all our stuff, of course, but one of the simplest is the wiki.

We’re all familiar with wikis, of course — Wikipedia being the most famous example, but many other useful wikis abound on the Internet. But one of the most productive forms of wikis is the personal wiki, which you can create at any number of sites."

"Once you’ve got your personal wiki set up.. this post lists "15 ways to use a wiki productively, web worker style, beginning with a to-do list."

I still can't say what exactly a "wiki" is except it is a place where I do some heavy personal planning, complaining, whining, and writing up my goal statements and I do it fast. So a wiki is fast. I have mine on the zoho site meaning I didn't have to know anything to get it going, and I still don't know anything to keep it there, always available when I log in to my Zoho Wiki . Zoho ( is a very cool service offering online documents that take and provide ms compatible files, a project planning program, a personal wiki service, and many other options. I like it. I've been using my wiki there for a few months. I also use BackPack ( for some of my listmaking which I could do entirely on my zoho wiki, but I love the aesthetics of Backpack, its ajaxy feel. I like the big fonts, the way the lists look. So I use that for lists that I return to, but I use my wiki for sudden jerky planning that I'm not likely to use again. I date the entries, so lets say its a planning diary that maybe I won't ever look at again. I write down a sudden commitment to FOCUS because I've been unfocused for hours at a time, or I write down an evening's plan, that doesn't belong on my Vitalist "to do list" because its too spur of the moment, its intended to get me up off my ass, to begin a day or evening of ten minute dashes. My wiki is a tool, part of the process that I sometimes need in my working, its only for process for that matter. I don't use it for storing for the future but for motivating me, organizing my spinning around mind, to get going right now.

I love my wiki
I recommend a wiki for everyone. It can be shared, or very private. If you want to get started, go to and start your own wiki, free, fast and effective. There are many other sites providing free wiki service, this happens to be the only one I've tried, so I don't know about recommending anything else. I love my wiki, its the way I get inspired when my enthusiasm and spirit is drifting downward. And I have a record of my process, not that I look at it again. This one is for me, not history.

1 comment:

Arvind said...

Lynn: Thanks for using Zoho Wiki and recommending it to your readers! As you'd observed, Zoho Wiki is a part of a wider suite of web services, most of them free, from Zoho. Do try out all our services.
