Sunday, August 12, 2007

A quiet Sunday morning

This will be a short one. I've been experimenting with rising early again, as part of the bigger experiment, creating a scaffold for my day. I set my alarm for 4:30 each morning, get up when it goes off, and first deal with email. I'm going through it as fast as possible. If something requires action I'm following the GTD 2 minute rule. Meaning if I can deal with it in 2 minutes, I do. If not but I have to do something with it, it goes into the "action" folder on my desk top and I enter it into the next action list in Vitalist ( This means I am clearing out my inbox very quickly, and nothing is forgotten. When my email inbox is dealt with, and this takes about 40 minutes to an hour, I start writing. I have several projects going on, and I get to choose what I'm writing according to how I'm feeling. This goes on until 10 or 11, when I begin making phone calls on my next action list. So I think I might be developing the morning routine or scaffolding. I have my fingers crossed that I can keep this up. There's not question about it, having those early morning hours for writing is precious.

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